Transform doubt into unshakable self-love

Shine School is the last self-discovery course you’ll ever need. In just 6 weeks, learn to reclaim your power and confidently manifest your soul's dreams!

Are you ready for your transformation?


It's your time to SHINE! Enroll now.


Is your inner mean girl running the show?

She says shit like:

  • “I’m afraid that if I try for my dream, I’m going to fail. What if it doesn’t work?”
  • “I feel exhausted. I’m stretched so thin—I think I might be burnt out.”
  • “My mind won’t shut off. I can’t sleep, and I can’t be present for things that used to make me happy, like yoga or spending time with my kids.”
  • “Everyone always needs something from me. I’m always helping others, but I’m not taking care of myself or getting anything in return.”
  • “Most days, I’m pretending that I’m alright, but some days I feel lost and confused. I just can’t go on like this anymore.”

And this one really hits you in the gut: 

“This can’t be it. Is this really all there is?”

When our self-esteem is shaky, we turn to people-pleasing to “earn” love. And when our sense of well-being depends on everyone but us, we fall into the trap of perfectionism to try and feel safe.

You're not alone. 94% of women by the age of 14 say they lack confidence, and I was one of them. 

Here’s the good news—you’re about to join a tidal wave of courageous women who are facing their fears of failure, abandonment, and rejection and reclaiming their power. 

I believe women deserve to be told the truth. And the truth is, you already have everything you need within you to manifest your wild and crazy dreams.

Women have been treated poorly for centuries because we’re so damn powerful. We've tried so hard to fit in because we think it’s our only way to feel love and acceptance.

The system is rigged against us.

Instead of honoring our natural intuitive talents, it’s filled our minds with negative self-talk and conditioned us to believe we’re not good enough. 

We push instead of pausing

We hustle instead of asking for help and relaxing into a flow of radical trust.

We fear our magic and call it anxiety.

But we’ve entered a new age, and women are courageously waking up to their inherent, divine feminine power.

Women are on the rise. Your time for deeper initiation is here.

And hey, you may have dabbled before...

A meditation here, a self-love book there… these are all great tools, but that’s just it.

They’re tools without a structure.

The key to lasting change is to create a foundation in self-love that’ll stand the test of time.

Suddenly, your tools have purpose: to build a forever home within yourself.

That’s the kind of inner sacred sanctuary you create in Shine School, and why it’s the last self-love program you’ll ever need. 

Shine School is a 6-week sacred container to overcome your fears, reclaim your power, find clarity on your purpose, and confidently become your authentic self. 

Oh, and manifest your wild and crazy dreams in the process because that's how we roll!

Your healing journey requires a willingness to love unconditionally and be able to witness your feelings with a sense of kindness and acceptance. Learning to control your emotions allows you to find peace from pain, criticism, self-doubt, fear, and self-judgement.

Shine School will empower you to face your shadows so you can stop shit-talkin' yourself and finally uncover your unique sparkle magic.

Learning to love yourself isn't always easy, but I'm going to show you how to handle the ups and downs of making friends with your inner mean girl and discovering your life's purpose so you can finally put an end to the people-pleasing cycle of perfectionism!

✨ Get crystal clear on your life's purpose and passions

✨Trust your intuition and enjoy it (without self-sabotage) when things start getting reeeally good

✨ Stop hiding behind food and feel comfortable in your own skin

✨ Make deep and lasting connections with your partner and create peace in your family

✨ Reframe your past struggles into wisdom with forgiveness that frees you from self-doubt, anger, and resentment

✨ Release the scarcity mindset, so you finally experience effortless abundance—for good

✨ Create space for simple self-care rituals, so you connect to your soul daily and finally make yourself a priority

✨ Transform your darkness into brilliant light with a close community of lightworking soul sisters who "get you"

✨ Set bomb ass boundaries and release past pain, so you finally feel lasting peace (hello empaths!)

✨ Connect with your magical soul to manifest your dreams with unshakable confidence

Are you ready to discover your sparkle magic?


Join us inside Shine School now to start your self-love revoluation!


After decades of struggling, I finally learned how to transform my self-hate into vibrant love and confidence.

This was the course I needed to kick my ass into gear when I was consumed by my darkness and struggling to find my light.

Shine School was created for souls who are ready to transform self-doubt into unshakable confidence, shine their authentic light, and share their unique gifts with the world! 

I've worked with thousands of women from all walks of life and it's worked for them so I know it'll work for you too. Join the goddesses inside Shine School now and I'll show you how to reclaim your power! :)


I’m Brit Carmichael, creator of Shine School, Shine From the Inside Oracle, and host of luxury #SHINETRIBE Goddess Retreats for spirited female entrepreneurs.

I’m a trailblazing lightworker on a mission to empower badass women like you to reclaim your power and manifest your wild and crazy dreams. 

Over the past 15 years, I've worked with thousands of women from all walks of life with my no BS, straight-shootin’ approach to self-love. 

Join almost 5,000 women inside Shine School who’ve already broken free of fear and now confidently shine their authentic light.

It’s your turn to tap into your inner goddess and create the life you deserve!

There are loads of self-help courses that only focus on ONE surface-level thing, but this course covers a wide range of self-love and spiritual growth topics that go soul deep.

I've mapped out a simple step-by-step self-discovery journey to awaken your authentic self so you can finally learn to love every part of yourself (inside and out.)


This journey of self-discovery encompasses many areas of your life and if you don't do the soulful work to remove blocks and reframe negative beliefs, you'll miss the magical connection to your unique authentic self.


Brit's teaching style is Authentic. Soulful. Unapologetic. She'll empower you to laugh at your fears in the face and hold you accountable for doing this deep healing work. #toughlove

Spiritually Awakening.

Shine School was created to spark your spiritual awakening experience. Most courses skim the surface, but we'll be working on a soul level covering the unavoidable areas you must dive deep into for spiritual growth. 


Shine School isn't for someone who wants to sit back and blame the world. It was designed for badass women who are ready to take inspired action towards uncovering their Truth and consciously create life on their terms. Period.

Sparkle Magic.

You'll gain unshakable confidence and courage as you shed the weight of the past and embrace a brand new sparkly future free of fear and judgement. You'll feel like ANYTHING is possible!

Each week, you’ll get access to a new module so you can spend time experiencing self-love and NOT feel overwhelmed with change. By the end of 6 weeks, you’ll have completed a life-changing transformation so you can manifest your wildest dreams.

You'll have lifetime access to over 40 inspiring training videos along with worksheets, journaling prompts, meditations, plant-based recipes, resource guides, celebrity interviews, and so much more magic.

You'll be supported the entire way by me and my loving, soulful community of thousands of lightworkers from all over the world inside my private group #SHINETRIBE Sisterhood.

Even if you're a newbie at this whole self-love thing. :) 


"Before Shine School, I fought myself taking action because of doubt and believing in myself felt like a painful chore. Brit's teaching helped me put myself back into the driver's seat of my life. She taught me that I can overcome my doubts and fears and create the life that I want. Shine School made me look at parts of myself that I had ignored in the past like self-care, maintaining positive thoughts, and even journeying back into my past to make sure that I have really forgiven people. Now, I feel less stressed and more at peace in my daily life. The Shine School community encourages and LOVES each other. You'll definitely receive the push you need."

Lisa Statzer
Life Coach + Super Mom

See what students are raving about...

"I felt stuck and unable to manifest what I truly desired. My life felt like it was made up of a series of MUSTS. I craved a deeper connection with myself and knew that I needed to do some deep healing. I was ready for a BIG transformation. Thank you for being the coach I so desperately needed."

Stacie Fruits
Embodiment Coach

Module 1: Creating Self-Care Rituals that LIGHT you up

  • Design your ideal schedule and regain control of your day-to-day
  • Develop a mindful morning routine to ground yourself in what matters to YOU—before you hear requests from anyone else
  • Prioritize self-care because you know that it’s 100% critical for your success and happiness
  • Learn how to set healthy boundaries so you can show love and compassion on a deeper level
  • Learn the art of journaling to deepen your relationship with YOU!

Module 2: Holistic Health, Mind + Body + Spirit

  • Ditch the diets and create a healthy lifestyle that supports your total wellness
  • Remove harmful chemicals that are hidden in your food and beauty products
  • Awaken your inner goddess, connect with your intuition, and develop a mindfulness practice that’ll dramatically improve your health and mood
  • Learn the art of detoxing and decluttering to remove what no longer positively serves you and quickly boost your energy
  • Learn my "beauty sleep" secrets, so you feel fresh and confident each morning!

Module 3: Give Yourself a Mindset Makeover

  • Recognize how your inner mean girl creates self-sabotage—and finally make it stop
  • Remove the negative “labels” you’ve placed on yourself, so you can release deep-seated hurt 
  • Move past limiting beliefs that are keeping you from the abundance you’re meant to have
  • Understand the power of choice and how to say NO with confidence—without fear of judgment
  • Realize the empowering truth that happiness is an inside job and create a miracle mindset

Module 4: How to Practice the "F" Word

  • Understand why Forgiveness is the key to FREEDOM
  • Learn to let go of your past so you can move forward with total ease and confidence (This guided meditation is a MUST!!)
  • Release guilt and burdens that you’ve allowed on yourself that stop you from fully loving yourself and others (This Release Ritual is POWERFUL!) 
  • Learn how to take it easy on yourself and become your own “bestie”
  • Drop the drama in your life to attract what you really want

Module 5: Cultivating Connection

  • Learn the most important connection you'll ever make
  • Embrace your relationships as "spiritual assignments"
  • Learn to stop "comparison syndrome!"
  • Learn where to find other like-minded soul sisters who’ll support you to show up as the best version of yourself
  • Learn to let love in by accepting compliments
  • Push yourself outside your comfort zone to make deep connections and build confidence

Module 6: Turning Dreams into Reality

  • Identify your gifts, strengths, and what LIGHTS you up so you can align with your purpose
  • Learn how to hold yourself accountable to committing to daily action with this simple trick
  • Create a vision for your soul goals so you can map out your mission to living your best life
  • Learn my two favorite tools for manifesting anything you want
  • Learn how to trust that the Universe has your back

PLUS: A Lifetime Guarantee!

You'll have access to this course FOR LIFE, so you can come back anytime! (I highly encourage a yearly refresh. You'll also have access to all the new content that gets added each year. Whoop! Whoop!)


"Working with Britt is the best thing I could have ever done for myself and for my business. I thought Brit would help get my booty in gear for the business I had talked about creating for years. Well, not only did she help me with my business, she helped me with SO much more. If you’re on the fence about working with Britt and asking yourself if it is worth the investment, the answer is it totally is worth it, 100%! I wouldn’t be where I am today without Britt’s guidance, constant encouragement, and coaching. I am the happiest I have ever been in my adult life and now have a thriving business all because of Britt. Britt helps you to realize you had the power to do it all along, something I would have never thought possible even 1 year ago. Don’t wait, invest in yourself!"

Jessie Wagner
Makeup Artist | Fashion Consultant

Shine School just got even sweeter because these thoughtfully curated bonuses (worth over $5,000!) will help support you even deeper along your self-discovery journey.



In these powerful group coaching calls, I’ll help you clarify where you're stuck on your self-love journey and empower you to DREAM BIG. Calls are held virtually throughout the year. (Value of $2,500!)


You’ll get instant access to my Manifesting Masterclass AND my Holistic-Self Love Masterclass. In these trainings, you'll learn three simple strategies that’ll give you the clarity and confidence to manifest your dreams on your terms and how to reframe your negative self-talk so you instantly boost your confidence. (Value of $444!)


I've teamed up with my hubby Chris to bring you this 60-minute training to help you implement what you learn in Shine School so you can fearlessly go after your dreams. (Value of another $197!)


You'll have lifetime access to my high-vibin' private Facebook group #SHINETRIBE Sisterhood. This like-minded group of soul sisters will love and support your growth and transformation. Find motivation and inspiration daily. (Value of a soul squad? Priceless!)


In this 20-minute Chakra Balancing Meditation, I’ll guide you to connect to your chakra energy system to restore, heal, and balance your life force energy. You’ll also open your heart space to activate your inner light so you can tap into your soul's power. (Value: $47)


I've teamed up with incredibly wise and inspiring experts in the self-love and self-care industries. From doctors to authors and yogis to unicorns, we cover every topic under the rainbow. 

You'll learn things like how to overcome anxiety and depression with holistic healing, how to tap into your woo woo, how to heal your relationship with food, how to become a money magnet, and so much more! (Value: $2,222!)

Total Bonuses Value: Over $5,000! 

Yours included when you sign up for Shine School. 

That’s right; I’m so committed to helping you and other women rise that our bonuses alone are worth 10x more than your investment in this course. I believe the Universe is an abundant place and making a lifetime of self-love accessible for women benefits us all tenfold. 

Your investment is your commitment to show up for yourself. The result is a lifetime of self-love, abundance, and the confidence to manifest your dreams. It’s the greatest possible return.


"This course is worth so much more than money. I can never repay Brittney for the life changes she has created in just 6 weeks. Before Shine School I didn’t know what to do next in my healing journey and I felt really lost. After Shine School I gained my power back and the sight to see the path I wanted for myself and my family without other’s judgement. I have expanded beyond my own limitations. Without the course and community I am truly not sure I would have been able to overcome the obstacles that I was facing. My self-care has never been this good!"

Ann Miszczak


Along your 6-week journey, you'll receive step-by-step guidance through 40 simple yet powerful video lessons, guided meditations, guidebooks, worksheets, and more to support your transformation.

Are you ready to SHINE? Enroll now!


"I was struggling financially before I completed Shine School. I had a hard time asking for money for my art. I practically gave it away. Through Shine School I learned to value my unique skills and creativity. Shine School gave me the tools I needed to shed the self-doubt and move forward with launching my own business. I stopped devaluing myself. Now, I support myself and my three boys with the sale of my work because I have learned to ask what I know I deserve! The best thing is I have taught my children through my example how to make their dreams come true too."

Christiane Love
Textile Artist | Yoga Instructor

By the end of Shine School, you’ll finally stop the self-love struggle and confidently manifest your dreams. It’s time to put faith, hope, and trust in the one person who’s going to radically change your life —YOU! Trust your intuition. She’s always right.



This is a one-time investment for lifetime access to Shine School, $5k in bonuses, and all future coaching calls.





Invest in 12 monthly installments and receive lifetime access plus bonuses!



If you decide Shine School isn't for you, no worries! If you finish the course, do the worksheets, and honestly feel like you're not satisfied, we offer a full refund within 14 days.* (More details in the FAQs).

"Yay! I just finished Shine School! I learned so much and have felt amazing shifts in my life already! I am feeling more worthy and full of love for myself than ever before. I realized I was holding on to a lot of pain and resentment from the past. I thought I had done healing work on myself but still found a lot of self hatred and sadness buried below the surface. I have found much more acceptance for my own uniqueness. I feel less guilt about spending time on the things I love and prioritizing my own self care. I have seen the universe working in my favor more and more and am so excited for my journey. I know I will be revisiting these lessons in the future over and over because they are so valuable and I can always use these reminders."

Shannon Miller
Fashion Designer

Got questions? We have answers!

Q: What happens when I joinHow is the content delivered?

A: You’ll get immediate access upon purchasing the digital course. (Be sure to check your inbox for the login details!) Each week you'll receive ONE module over the course of 6 weeks. This way, you don't feel overwhelmed with all this amazing content. ;)

Q: I'm a busy gal. Can I take this course at my own pace?

A: Of course! You have LIFETIME ACCESS to this training, so you can access it anytime, anywhere. We also recommend a yearly refresh because we’re adding content to the course all the time!

Q: How does the payment plan work?

A: We offer a 12-month payment plan to make Shine School accessible to all women who are ready to rise. And don’t worry, you’ll still get access to all of the course content on the same schedule as someone who pays in full!

The installment plan is easy: you’ll be charged 12 monthly payments of $49. The first payment comes out when you enroll in Shine School, and the next will be 30 days after your purchase.

 Q: What if I'm not satisfied with the course?

A: While we’re confident you’ll never need it, we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee to make sure you’re happy with your purchase. Here’s how it works:

If you go through the course, do the work, and truly feel like you didn't find value or inspiration from the experience, submit your coursework within 14 days of purchase, and we'll issue a refund. (To be clear, you MUST include all completed worksheets with your refund request.)

Q: What if I have more questions?

A: My team is standing by to help you along the way, You can contact us anytime at

"I truly believe the Divine brought us together because I needed her encouragement to get out of my box of fear and step out of my comfort zone into fully living life. Brit radiates confidence, fearlessness and patience. She can rock the glitter – literally and figuratively – to help anyone and anything sparkle like the stars we all are. Thank you for giving me permission to fall in love with myself."

Shana Sallaska

Brit Carmichael is the founder of Shine School, host of Goddess Retreats, and creator of the Shine From the Inside Oracle™ and The Elevated Life, a high-vibin' membership club to elevate personal growth.

Brit is a trailblazing lightworker, psychic medium, hairstylist, and empowerment coach for female entrepreneurs. (Plus, she’s 99% unicorn!) 

She’s known for her spiritual truth-tellin’ style and her ability to make women feel beautiful—inside and out.  

Brit teaches women how to SHINE from the inside by breaking free of negative beliefs, letting go of limiting labels and tapping into creative power. So they can confidently trust their intuition and live with intention.


Transform self-doubt into unshakeable confidence, shine your authentic light, and share your unique gifts with the world! Join your soul squad in Shine School today!


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Two Step

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